132 Is the restaurant KONDU open 7 days a week 11AM-9:30PM
KONDU is responsible for their own maintenance issues.
132 ½ has 3 units upstairs. The units are # 1,2 and 4
Unit 1 is a small studio with 1 bathroom
Unit 2 is a 2 bedroom 1 ½ bath
Unit 4 is a 3 bedroom with 1 full bath
Alarm System
Breaker box for unit 1 is in the unit
Breaker box for unit 2 is in the unit
Breaker box for unit 4 is in the back of the building in a
storage area
House Breaker box in hallway
Water heaters for unit 1 and 2 are electric
Gas Appliances
Water heater for unit 4
Electric baseboard heat
Each heater has its own thermostat
No A/C
Lock Out
When you get a call that someone cannot get into their unit follow the instructions below.
STEP 1. Call ACE on the on-call phone and ask them to patch you through to the resident.
STEP 2. Ask the resident what happens when they enter their code. If the SCHLAGE button blinksGREENthenREDand does not work go to STEP 3.
If the SCHLAGE button does not blink at all the lock is dead go to STEP 3.
If the code is entered and the SCHLAGE button blinks onlyGREENand the lock just spins go to STEP 3.
IF the SCHLAGE button blinksREDafter the code is entered go to STEP 4.
STEP 3. Call College Safe and lock and let the resident know the ETA. If College Safe and lock cannot be reached call the maintenance supervisor You do not need to meet College Safe and Lock
STEP 4. An incorrect code was entered. We need to verify the person is on the lease by contacting the office manager for that property. If the person is on the lease we need to go to the site and check theirIDbefore we give them the code or let them in the unit.
If they are not on the lease, we cannot let them in
If the office cannot be reached call the maintenance supervisor.
The office manager's phone numbers can be found in the on-call phone.
Lisa helms Park Forest, Farmstead
Tami Buskirk Executive House
Danie Heimbach Downtown NREM
The water shutoff for the entire building is in the basement of KONDU. It is under the front part of the building.
If the water needs to be shut off after hours call Maintenance Forman because the shutoff is in the basement of KONDU. If the Forman cannot be reached call the Maintenance Supervisor.
Water heater for unit 1 is located in the bathroom. (Electric)
Water heater for unit 2 is located in the Kitchen inside the closet. (Electric)
Water heater for unit 4 is located in the basement of KONDU towards the back of the building. (Gas)
Smoke Alarms
Smoke detectors are Kiddie interconnected, and battery operated